2014 Fortune/State
Department Global Women's Mentoring Partnership
U.S. Embassy is seeking
nominations for
the Fortune/U.S. State Department Global Women's Mentoring Partnership,
a mentoring program for emerging women leaders from around the world, taking place
from March 24
April 17, 2014.
Fortune's Most Powerful Women mentors
include CEOs and senior
from American companies such as Wal-Mart, Time Inc., Goldman Sachs, Xerox, and other
well-known, U.S.-based organizations. The program provides participants
with unique opportunities to develop their management and business skills while
gaining experience in the U.S. business and non-profit environment.
program includes a four-day orientation and leadership skills training
component in Washington, D.C.; an approximately two-week mentorship assignment;
and a two-day communications training and debriefing in New York City.
The D.C. program will include meetings with USG officials, academics, and
representatives of business associations. Following the D.C. orientation, the
participants will travel individually to their company’s location, where a Fortune
Most Powerful Woman and her team will mentor the participant.
Profile of the ideal candidate:
could include women who run their own businesses; work in middle/middle-upper
management for non-U.S.-based corporations; or women who run business
associations, foundations or non-governmental organizations. Participants
should welcome opportunities for mentoring and new partnership development, and
should exhibit confidence and maturity.
Eligibility requirements:
Participation is limited to women
between the ages of 25 and 43, who are the most likely to reach the top levels
of their business or NGO sector.
Participants must have a very good
command of the English language, including business-related terms, and must be
able to converse freely in English with their fellow mentees and mentors.
The Bureau of Education and Cultural
Affairs seeks women leaders who may never have had the opportunity to travel to
the United States; who may already be mentoring women and girls in their own
communities; and who will make the most of this exchange opportunity.
more information, please contact Cultural
Affairs Assistant Austin Ngoma at Ext. 7407 and by email at ngomaa@state.gov or Deputy Public Affairs Officer
Jennifer Lawson at Ext. 7099 or by email at lawsonje@state.gov.
for preliminary nominations: Friday, November 29, 2013
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